
Mark J Mora Fresno CA

Real Estate investor

About Me

Mark J Mora Fresno CA, a resilient and dedicated individual, has embarked on a remarkable journey as a successful entrepreneur, mentor, and philanthropist. Born in Visalia, California, and raised in Woodlake, Reedley, and Fresno his life story is a testament to the enduring human spirit, driven by a desire to make a positive impact on the world.

As the eldest of seven siblings he faced a multitude of challenges from a young age. His sense of responsibility and determination shone brightly as he supported his family through difficult times His passion for football became an outlet for his struggles, starting at the tender age of nine and continuing through high school and college. However, his journey took an even more arduous turn when he found himself homeless during his junior year in high school. This adversity forced him to mature quickly and become the pillar of strength for his family He confronted these challenges head-on, and his resilience became the cornerstone of his future success.

His entrepreneurial spirit began to flourish during his senior year of high school when he ventured into the world of sales, selling chicken, steak, and seafood door-to-door. His natural flair for entrepreneurship and unwavering perseverance set him apart in this field. At the age of 19, he ventured into the real estate industry as a loan officer and began flipping homes. By the time he reached 21 he had achieved the remarkable milestone of making his first million dollars in real estate.

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Mark J Mora Fresno CA

Recent News

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The Ultimate Game-Changer: Why Real Estate Investment is the Future

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Mark J Mora Fresno CA
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